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At Salomons Centre for Applied Psychology we seek to make a significant contribution to the development and delivery of health and social care services through the application of psychological research and understanding.rnrnThe range of our work
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Advice, guidance, news, templates, tools, legislation, publications from Great Britain's independent regulator for work-related health, safety and illness; HSE.rn
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The Social Interest Group (SIG) is a leading UK based charity, providing bespoke person centred social and health care solutions. Utilising strength-based models of working, we specialise in rehabilitation and supporting people who have complex
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Solstice is the largest private mental health centre in Bermuda, providing comprehensive mental health services to people of all ages. We have a large multi-disciplinary team with over 35 clinicians, 13 of whom are Registered Psychologists from the UK,...
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We grow people who think and act for themselves. When we were founded in 1914, we set out to be modern, relevant and vocationally inspired and we still do.rnrnBack then we challenged and pushed the mining and ceramics industries forward - now it's
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We aim to provide individuals with autism and their families with help, support and services that they can access, trust and rely upon and which can make a positive difference to their lives.rn
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Via provides a range of health and wellbeing services to adults and young people across the UK.
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The Western Health and Social Care Trust provides health and social care services across the super council areas of Strabane and Derry City, Fermanagh and Omagh District and a portion of the Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council area.rnrnThe